Considering Consultants
We’ve all had guides in our lives - people who have steered us in the right direction or perhaps the wrong direction. As you reflect on those guides, what comes to mind? When were those people most helpful, and when were they not? Things like, “They taught me how to fish,” “They encouraged me to think critically,” or “They lead by example” might come to mind. Perhaps you can also think of a few people who gave you advice that was not helpful or even harmful. What did you find worked for you? What didn’t? Now consider people whom a company may have hired as consultants. What struck you as the most impactful moments with these professionals? For some, a well-crafted PowerPoint presentation might come to mind, but looking deeper, why did that PowerPoint presentation make such a difference? Perhaps it captured the essence of an issue that you have been trying to solve, in a way that others have not. Or perhaps it spoke to a clearer path forward that led you and your ...